Environmental Engineering

Pike Technical Services, Inc. assists clients with evaluating their specific environmental and engineering concerns by offering a comprehensive set of environmental science and engineering services to our clients. We have a dedicated staff of talented professionals working in close relationship with local, state and federal regulatory agencies allowing us to stay up to date on all current laws and regulations.

It is our pleasure to share with you that Pike Technical Services, Inc. has now expanded the environmental department offering a more broad range of environmental services to the tri-state area for coal and non-coal operations. Services will focus on the permitting requirements as outlined in the Clean Water Act as well an extensive biological monitoring department. See the full list of services provided below.

Aquatic Biological Benthic Surveys
Aquatic Biological Fish Collections
Clean Water Act Section 401/404 Permitting
Clean Water Act Section 402 Permitting
    NPDES Permit Applications
    Quality Assurance Project Plans
    Biological & Chemical Monitoring
Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters & Wetlands
Storm Water Best Management Practices Plans
Fill Placement Optimization Process
Best Management Practice Plans
Groundwater Protection Plans
Water Quality Monitoring
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
Cumulative Impact Assessments
Vegetation & Habitat Assessments
Hydrogeomorphic Approach (HGM) Assessments

Floodplain Permitting
Mitigation & Stream Restoration
Bat Protection & Enhancement Plans
Air Permitting
    Renewals and Modifications
    Annual Certifications
    Annual Reports
    Semi-Annual Reports
    Renewals and Modifications
    Annual Reports
    Quarterly reports
Opacity Monitoring
Plant Inspections
Tier II Reports
Nuclear Density Testing
Geologic Sampling

Environmental Engineering Photo Gallery
